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AFM/STM microscope Nanosurf EasyScan 2
The easyScan line supports 8 different scanners for a wide variety of applications and needs. Easily start with a very basic and low cost STM and later upgrade to a powerful, full-featured AFM research system. Or, get something in-between.
Ease of use
The easyScan line integrates smart software, well positioned optics, proper illumination, and a straight forward design.
- Cameras illuminate the tip & sample, and make setup easy.
- Pre-aligned optics remove all laser and detector alignment, which is typical with most AFMs.
- Multiple white LEDs illuminate the sample for proper positioning and setup.
- Tip scanning design allows virutually any size sample to be imaged.
- The easyScan line supports 8 different scanners for a wide variety of applications and needs. Easily start with a very basic and low cost STM and later upgrade to a powerful, full-featured AFM research system. Or, get something in-between.
- The base easyScan 2 controller is configured with electronic modules to provide a wide variety of imaging functions. Software can be configured for the level of processing or control required. VB/C++/LabVIEW Scripting, lithography, reporting, and advanced post-processing are available.
- The easyScan 2 system easily fits into a single carrying case - the controller, scanner, and stage. With a laptop in a briefcase you have true portability.
- Even our isolation stages are designed to be easily transported, so in the trunk of a small car you can move anything that you might want to configure with the system.